Toad in the hole, one-eyed Jack, Popeye, gashouse eggs, hole in one, pirate's egg, egg in the nest, rocky mountain toast. This was one of my favorite dishes growing up. No matter what you call this oldie, it's still a crowd pleaser!

1 slice bread
1 egg
1 tablespoon butter
salt and pepper
Butter both sides of bread slice. using a 3-4 inch biscuit cutter, cut a hole in the center of the bread. Remove the center of circle. Place both the center and the bread on a hot griddle. Crack egg and drop in the center of the hole. Using a spatula, hold the bread down to the griddle until the white starts to harden on the egg so it doesn't leak. Salt and pepper the egg. Flip and grill on the other side.

We served ours with a side of bacon and Planter's Punch. the recipe can be found here.

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