Farmstead Stuffed Squash
Bacon? Cheese? Delicious? This squash recipe checks all the boxes and will have your family begging for more squash! You can use this as...
Bacon? Cheese? Delicious? This squash recipe checks all the boxes and will have your family begging for more squash! You can use this as...
Basil butter is spectacular topping fish or simply spread on bread. I use mine in this Basil Butter Salmon recipe and it comes out...
Salmon is such a healthy option and what makes it more delicious than Basil Butter made from your garden? This recipe creates a fresh,...
Ingredients: Beets - enough to fill pint jar 1/3 cup sugar 1/2 cup white vinegar 1/4 cup water 1 pinch ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon whole...
Ingredients: Beets - enough to make 6 pints 2 Cups Sugar 3-1/2 Cups Vinegar 1-1/2 Cups Water 1 Stick of Cinnamon 1 Tablespoon Whole...
Garlic Scape and Basil Pesto is one of my absolute favorites! This is a great way to use your bounty of Basil and Garlic and you can...
As the warm temperatures persist in Connecticut, it is easy to forget the cold months of winter that still lay ahead. It is tempting to...
Here in New England, we had a "dusting" of snow that was nearly half a foot right before Thanksgiving. We discussed harvesting the root...
As the long hot summer days melt and slip away like butter on a hot knife and the leaves begin to turn vibrant shades of red, orange, and...
While Farmer Mike and I are not posting as much video content as we would like, the Homestead is anything but quiet! Tomatoes are...
What is it? Kohlrabi is a vegetable in the Brassica family and comes in 2 colors purple and white (green). If you've seen this vegetable...